Dysplastic Lesions Treatment Treatment of dysplastic lesions on the surface of the eye depends on a number of factors, including size and location of the lesion. Most of these lesions are located at the border between the conjunctiva (the thin transparent layer of...
Genetic Testing In recent years, accurate testing for the mutation in the RB1 gene that causes retinoblastoma has become possible. The mutation is discovered in approximately 80 to 90% of children with Bilateral Sporadic and Familial RB who are tested. If the mutation...
Retinoblastoma Genetics Genes are working units of DNA, a complex pool of chemical information that carries a complete set of instructions to enable the cells of our body to function normally. Retinoblastoma is due to the presence of errors or mutations in a single...
The Artificial Eye Child The artificial or prosthetic eye will be made four to six weeks after the enucleation. Firstly, a moulding or impression of the socket must be taken. This is a painless procedure performed by a technician known as an ocularist, but it may need...
Enucleation Child Removal of an eye or Enucleation is still the commonest form of treatment in both Unilateral and Bilateral Sporadic RB. The reasons for performing enucleation of an eye in RB include: The tumour inside your child’s eye is too large or extensive...